Website Development

Web Sitesi Geliştirme

Having a web app or website is a must for every business in today’s digital world, no matter its size or industry. However, it is no longer as easy as preparing a web application with some information that your visitors might need.

Software Development

Yazılım Geliştirme

Software development refers to the process used by programmers to create computer programs. This process provides us with a method to create products that meet specifications and user requirements.

Content Management

İçerik Yönetimi

At the cutting edge of technology, digital content is everything, whether it is a big or a small company. Content management in its most general definition; It covers the process of creating literary, visual, moving and audio information about a subject or brand. As Codead, we provide comprehensive service with our professional team in online content management.


Size, çözüldüğünde sitenizin sıralamasını iyileştirecek ve web sitenize gelen trafiği artıracak SEO sorunlarını gösteren bir PDF raporu e-posta ile göndereceğiz.


We will email you a PDF report showing you the SEO issues that, when resolved, will improve your site's ranking and increase traffic to your website.