In addition to increasing website visits organically, this process is essentially a method of ‘buying’ visits to your site.

One of the most popular forms of PPC is search engine advertising, which allows advertisers to pay for placing ads on a search engine’s sponsored links.

This works when someone searches for a keyword that is relevant to business bids. For example, if we bid for the keyword ‘Google Shopping Management’, our ad might appear at the top of the Google results page.

What we do best, Google Shopping, is an example of how PPC advertising can be used to increase both visibility and profitability.

Benefits of Using PPC

PPC has many advantages that will benefit your business, including – Optimized PPC is cost-effective – When someone searches for a relevant term, your ad will be shown on the first results page. – It will bring more visibility and brand exposure as targeted traffic is directed to your site. – You can run multiple ad campaigns for each keyword. – It leads to higher click-through rates (CTR), more conversions and higher sales revenue. – Provides instant traffic

If PPC is working as it should, return on ad spend (ROAS) should be high, as getting visitors to your site is worth more than what you pay. But it takes a lot to build a strong PPC campaign, not just as simple as paying for clicks and gaining traffic.

Choosing the right keywords, organizing those keywords into well-organized campaigns and ad groups, and creating PPC landing pages optimized for conversions is crucial.

We have the best ways to run a PPC campaign for you, as more relevant, well-targeted PPC campaigns will be rewarded by search engines with more cost-effective ad clicks.

If your ads are satisfying and useful to users, Google will lower your cost per click and, as a result, give you a higher profit.

Who Should Use PPC?

PPC advertising is ideal for small businesses because you decide how much you want to spend on each keyword, so you can manage how much you spend when your ads are displayed.

Basically, this ensures that the money you spend on advertising is not wasted as you are more likely to attract more people interested in your product.

PPC – Google Ads with Paid Marketing

Google Ads is the most widely used PPC advertising network. The platform allows you to create campaigns that will appear across all Google services. Since Google Ads ranks potential advertisers based on ad quality, relevance and size, as well as bid price, it is important to choose the right ad format and keywords.

Since Google is the most used search engine, using Google Ads will give you the most exposure, so we consider the following factors when creating your PPC campaign through Google Ads:

– Make sure your keywords are relevant, popular and likely to be searched – Have a high-quality landing page that looks attractive and has a clear message – Better quality scores lead to more ad clicks at lower costs.

In a nutshell, PPC advertising is a great marketing option for your business. It is a simple yet effective digital marketing technique to promote your products, drive traffic to your website and ultimately increase your sales

How to Create a PPC Campaign?

Now that you understand the benefits of PPC and have your key terms, let’s start building a quality PPC campaign using Google AdWords or any other platform. You don’t need to go through these elements step by step, but it’s important that we work through each one to make sure you’re creating an effective marketing campaign.

Setting Parameters

Without parameters, you risk your ad being untargeted and ineffective. You want to place your advertising campaigns in the context of your ultimate business goals. Think about how your paid campaigns will contribute to these goals.

Next, think about what you want to achieve with your ads (it could be visits, sales, brand awareness or something else) and how much you are prepared to spend to achieve that goal. Your ads should cover several things: – Who you want to target – The theme of your campaign – How will you measure success? – The type of campaign you will run

Create Goals and Target Metrics

Your campaign goals will give you something to show for your ad spend, as long as you determine how you will measure those goals. Your goal metrics should not be confused with your campaign metrics.

  • Brand awareness is how familiar your target audience is with your company.
  • Lead generation is a direct result of having a relevant and engaging landing page to follow your paid ad.
  • A promotional offer is great if you’re running a limited-time offer, product or service discount, or contest.
  • Sales can be measured by how much of your product or service is sold based on your paid ads.
  • If you have high-quality content on your website, site traffic is a great goal.
  • If you’re going to spend money to get people to visit your site, you want to have some level of confidence that you can keep them there and eventually convert them into leads.

Selecting Your Campaign Type

You need to know not only where to advertise, but also how to advertise. There are many different types of paid advertising campaigns and the one you choose depends on where you can reach your target audience.

This doesn’t mean you can’t advertise in a variety of ways; you can also experiment with a combination of campaign types as long as you test and revise them on an ongoing basis.

  • Search Ads is the most common type of PPC and refers to text ads displayed on search engine results pages.
  • Display Ads allow you to place ads on external websites, including social networks.
  • Learn how to integrate Display Ads into your inbound marketing plan. Social refers to all the ads you see on social media, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Remarketing may use cookies or a contact list you have uploaded to target people who have previously interacted with your company through an action.

PPC – Paid Marketing Keyword Research

Each ad group you create should be assigned a set of keywords to target; this is how search engines know when and where to show your ad. The general rule of thumb is to choose between one and five keywords per ad group, and these keywords should be highly relevant.

We ensure that keywords are selected that are closely aligned with the specific theme of your ad group. In this way, we can create a separate ad group for the keywords we want to target that are outside the theme.

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