What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring that your website complies with search engine guidelines so that it can be crawled and indexed without any issues. The main purpose of a technical SEO audit is to assess the current SEO status of your website and determine which aspects we need to improve to ensure a smooth online experience.

Today, websites with slow page load times, poor structure and bad redirects can be penalized by Google. Without proper intervention, these SEO issues can lead to a sharp drop in organic traffic and search rankings.

In this sense, our team of experts in the field of Technical SEO helps you increase the performance of your website in the best way.

Technical SEO Service

Algorithm changes on websites basically have one goal: to provide the best possible user experience. In this sense, as CodeAd Growth Agency, we take all the steps to make your website strong in terms of SEO.

Teknik SEO Denetimi

We perform a comprehensive SEO technical audit to identify and fix your website’s existing SEO issues. We check vital checkpoints such as audit, page speed, mobile performance, XML sitemap, internal link structure, crawl errors, indexing, robots.txt and site architecture.

Competitor Analysis

We get a comprehensive overview of your competitors’ optimization performance and identify your conversion opportunities. Our SEO consultant evaluates your competitors’ search engine rankings, keyword performance, social media presence, technical and backlink profile.

Metadata Analysis

We increase your online visibility and gain more traffic with meta tags that effectively describe your page content to web visitors and search engines.

As CodeAd Growth Agency, we perform technical SEO services that include analyzing and optimizing your title tags, meta descriptions, robot tags, meta keywords and alt attributes.

Thanks to all these comprehensive processes, we prevent misused metadata from causing serious damage to your SEO performance.

Image Optimization

Large images slow down your site’s performance and drive visitors away. In this sense, our technical SEO experts optimize your alt attributes, choose the right file format, reduce the file size of your images and maximize image optimization plugins.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important stage of your digital marketing strategy. We learn about current industry trends and consumer behavior and ensure appropriate keyword usage on your website.

In this sense, our SEO experts perform technical SEO audits to determine your keyword rankings and optimize your web pages with high-performance search terms.

Speed Optimization

Your site’s page speed significantly affects your ranking and, more importantly, improves your customers’ online experience. Our SEO experts use file compression to reduce the size of your JavaSCript, CSS and HTML files.

Also at CodeAd Growth Agency we reduce redirects, optimize your code, leverage browser caching, use content delivery networks (CDNs) and improve server response time.

Backlink Analysis

Our team performs backlink analysis to ensure that you get links from reputable and authoritative websites. We use a variety of backlink data sources to identify your referring domains, determine the social sharing size of linking pages and check site authorities.

Website Transition

Migrating a website is a delicate process. We implement a robust migration plan to ensure you don’t lose your existing site traffic. We perform SEO-friendly website migration that includes benchmarking analytics performance, updating all internal links, mapping all changed URLs from the old site to the new domain, managing 404 pages, eliminating duplicate content, and monitoring traffic and rankings.

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