What is Off Page SEO?

Off Page Seo

Off page SEO deals with factors outside your website and helps increase its rankings in search engines. It also includes search engine optimization techniques with areas outside your website. You can also benefit from SEO techniques with factors outside the steps applied within the site.

What is SEO Game Plan?

SEO Game Plan

SEO game plan, one of the terms used to create a search engine optimization strategy, ensures that your website ranks high in organic search results. SEO game plan is applied to create a plan of technical strategies that enable your website to rank high in organic search results.

Link Building

Link Building

Link Building is a search engine optimization technique that increases your search engine ranking. Links in this sense are one of the most important ways for search engine algorithms to determine the relevance of pages.

What is Global SEO and Why is it Important?


Global SEO services are an SEO strategy that helps your website gain more visibility in the global market. SEO strategies are one of the applications you need in global areas where you need to address a wider area than local markets. Search engine optimization is one of the techniques applied worldwide. For this reason, you need international SEO services to keep up with your competitors and have better brand awareness.

Technical SEO

Teknik SEO

For every second delay in your page load time, your bounce rate increases and you lose valuable leads. At Codead Growth Agency, we offer technical search engine optimization (SEO) services to improve your website performance, capture quality leads and increase your site traffic.

What are E-commerce SEO Services?

E-ticaret SEO

E-commerce SEO services are technical studies carried out for an e-commerce site to receive better organic traffic in search engines. These processes can be applied to e-commerce sites, such as search engine optimizations applied to standard websites. It would be correct to say that it is one of the processes that need to be done to have better traffic than other e-commerce sites. We can use almost all SEO techniques on e-commerce sites.

PPC – Paid Marketing

PPC – Paid Marketing

PPC, or pay-per-click, is a type of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked. Simply put, you only pay for advertising when your ad is actually clicked.

Social Media Optimization – SMO (Social Marketing)

SMO - Sosyal Medya Optimizasyon

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the process of evaluating, monitoring and modifying your website content to comply with social media best practices. In this sense, as Codead Growth Agensy, we ensure that your business’s social media assets are on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

ERP Integrations

ERP Entegrasyonları

ERP application integration is simplified by eliminating the slow, manual steps that prevent your business from reducing claim time, PO creation and invoice validation processes. Ensure compliance and reduce risk by automating data processing, approvals and end-to-end process visibility across our ERP Integration service.

APP Development

APP Geliştirme

Mobile app development services encompass more than many companies realize. After all, an app is not just a programming skill.


Size, çözüldüğünde sitenizin sıralamasını iyileştirecek ve web sitenize gelen trafiği artıracak SEO sorunlarını gösteren bir PDF raporu e-posta ile göndereceğiz.


We will email you a PDF report showing you the SEO issues that, when resolved, will improve your site's ranking and increase traffic to your website.